Monday, 23 November 2015

David Gianulias – Reasons To Become A Real Estate Developer

Have you ever thought about becoming a real estate developer? David Gianulias is the president and SEO of a third generation real estate development company and loves his job. There are many reasons he decided to become a real estate developer and many reasons you may want to become one yourself.

David Gianulias

Improve a Community

Developing a location or neighborhood can improve the value of it and the home and businesses nearby. Developing can help change the stigma of a neighborhood and bring in more people and jobs to that community.

Make a Living

Real estate developers make a lot of money and by investing wisely; you can make a lot of money. Real estate development does require an investment, but once you begin selling developed properties, you can begin to make a profit. Many real estate developers make a lot of money on their developments.

Getting Creative

Have you ever been driving down a street or through a neighborhood and felt like it needed something? Maybe a new restaurant or a shopping mall? Being a real estate developer allows you to get creative and improve locations based on how you think they need improved.

If you decide becoming a real estate developer is right for you, you should begin pursuing your career. David Gianulias is a third generation home builder and real estate developer and enjoys the industry very much. He enjoys seeing his designs and ideas turned into real structures and business and seeing how his developments help the people living near where they are built.

Monday, 16 November 2015

David Gianulias - Naming A Wine

David Gianulias owns the Levendi Winery and produces many different types of wine. He also has to name these wines. Coming up with a name for a wine may sound simple, but as many winery owners know, it can sometimes be difficult. Here are some tips for naming a wine.

David Gianulias

Name It after the Grapes
Some people name their wine after the type of grapes they use to make it. This lets the buyer know a little more about the flavor and can make the name seem more fitting. You can also use words that describe the grapes as a part of your name to make it more authentic.

Name It after the Region
Many wines are named after the region they are grown in. This not only gives people information about your wine, but it can also give it a unique name. Just make sure the name you choose is not already taken. There are many wines and few regions where grapes are grown.

Name It after Your Family
Many wineries are handed down through the family and are named after families or family members. Think about a way to incorporate your family’s name into the name of your wine. This will also give you something unique to pass down to your own family.

If you own a winery like David Gianulias, you may need to name the wines you produce.  If you are struggling to come up with a name for your wine, consider the tips above and don’t be afraid to get creative.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

David Gianulias - Starting A Winery

If you enjoy wine and would like to make a living out of your passion, you may want to consider opening a winery. David Gianulias is the founder of the Levendi Winery and enjoys working with wine and the people who are passionate about it. Here are some tips for starting your own winery.

David Gianulias

The Right Location

Grapes won’t grow in some conditions so make sure you choose vineyard locations for your winery that will allow the grapes to grow healthy. Certain grapes grow better in certain climates so do you research and choose a location that is right for the type of grapes you plan to grow.

The Right Grapes

Certain grapes are used to make certain types of wine. Make sure you are familiar with the varietals and know what grapes you need to grow to make the wines you intend to make at your winery.

The Right Plan

Growing grapes and making wine may be your dream, but you have to have a business plan in order to make your winery a success and keep your business going. Make sure you have a strong business and marketing plan before you open your winery. Almost anyone with some financial support can create a winery to make wine, but selling your wines and to have customers purchase again and again is the key to it all.  Operating a winery can be a great way to make money if you have the patience for a minimum of 5 years and owning your own business can be very fulfilling. David Gianulias has found success as a winery owner and if you consider the above tips, you may too.