Founder and CEO of Three G Development, David Gianulias, has seen his fair share of home building disasters over the years. Fortunately, his company is able to avoid these issues through their professional knowledge and expertise in the industry. When meeting with new clients, he warns about the top building mistakes that many people make.

- Ideas are grand in the design process, but usually not all they are cracked up to be once the house is actually built. A good example of this is extra rooms that are not really necessary. The idea of a game room, media room, or home gym is good in theory, but a waste of money and space if it will not be used. This is not to say that these rooms should never be built, as some families do require these spaces. For the most part, they are nice ideas that sound fancy or lavish, but not practical. When rooms like this are designed into a home and not used, they are both drain on energy costs and a place to end up storing all of the home owner's extra possessions.
- Deciding where to build the kitchen or garage is usually common sense, but what about the laundry room? New home builders do not give much consideration to the placement of the laundry facilities. It is common for this area to be closeted away, far from the eyes of future house guests. While a home owner does not want the laundry room to be the visual center of the home, it needs to have a truly convenient location. If the home is two stories with bedrooms on the second floor, for example, having the washer and dryer in the basement will become tedious for whoever is doing the washing. Instead, consider an upstairs laundry room, in that instance, that allows easy access to the appliances.
- Balancing storage space with overall room space is an area where many fail. Having ample closets is important to an effortless and organized life, but not at the expense of losing too much square footage to those closets. Give each bedroom and hallway a reasonably sized closest to ensure that rooms are as large as possible.
- Over the years, David Gianulias has witnessed many new home builders who make decisions without thinking of their long-term living arrangements. For a young couple who are building their dream home, future additions such as children should be taken into account. This also means acknowledging possible safety and noise considerations. Older couples should think about the possibilities for safe access to common rooms if one or more persons eventually ends up needing a wheelchair or other form of medical assistance.