In the home building market, there are many different choices when it comes to insulation, explains David Gianulias. He and his staff at Three G Development are well equipped to answer a homeowner's questions when it comes to insulation and home efficiency. Here he lists the most commonly used insulation materials and application methods.

- Insulation is the material which will help to keep the home or building warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Poor insulation leads to lackluster energy efficiency as well as discomfort for the persons living or working in the building. All insulation is measured based on its R-value, which determines the amount of heat that is transferred through the insulating material.
- The area where the new building or home is located will play a part in deciding which insulation is necessary for the climate. Cellulose, fiberglass, and foam are traditional insulation choices, though many new materials have hit the market with success. Two forms of mineral wool, slag wool and rock wool are growing in demand. These compounds are derived from volcanic activity. Some builders and home owners may prefer to use concrete blocks, spray foam, foam board, insulating concrete forms, or structural insulated panels.
- How the insulation is applied will depend upon the type that is chosen. Spray foam, for example is a liquid that is literally sprayed over the area to be insulated. While cellulose and fiberglass style loose insulation, David Gianulias explains, are blown into the home's open spaces between interior and exterior walls.