Monday, 23 November 2015

David Gianulias – Reasons To Become A Real Estate Developer

Have you ever thought about becoming a real estate developer? David Gianulias is the president and SEO of a third generation real estate development company and loves his job. There are many reasons he decided to become a real estate developer and many reasons you may want to become one yourself.

David Gianulias

Improve a Community

Developing a location or neighborhood can improve the value of it and the home and businesses nearby. Developing can help change the stigma of a neighborhood and bring in more people and jobs to that community.

Make a Living

Real estate developers make a lot of money and by investing wisely; you can make a lot of money. Real estate development does require an investment, but once you begin selling developed properties, you can begin to make a profit. Many real estate developers make a lot of money on their developments.

Getting Creative

Have you ever been driving down a street or through a neighborhood and felt like it needed something? Maybe a new restaurant or a shopping mall? Being a real estate developer allows you to get creative and improve locations based on how you think they need improved.

If you decide becoming a real estate developer is right for you, you should begin pursuing your career. David Gianulias is a third generation home builder and real estate developer and enjoys the industry very much. He enjoys seeing his designs and ideas turned into real structures and business and seeing how his developments help the people living near where they are built.

Monday, 16 November 2015

David Gianulias - Naming A Wine

David Gianulias owns the Levendi Winery and produces many different types of wine. He also has to name these wines. Coming up with a name for a wine may sound simple, but as many winery owners know, it can sometimes be difficult. Here are some tips for naming a wine.

David Gianulias

Name It after the Grapes
Some people name their wine after the type of grapes they use to make it. This lets the buyer know a little more about the flavor and can make the name seem more fitting. You can also use words that describe the grapes as a part of your name to make it more authentic.

Name It after the Region
Many wines are named after the region they are grown in. This not only gives people information about your wine, but it can also give it a unique name. Just make sure the name you choose is not already taken. There are many wines and few regions where grapes are grown.

Name It after Your Family
Many wineries are handed down through the family and are named after families or family members. Think about a way to incorporate your family’s name into the name of your wine. This will also give you something unique to pass down to your own family.

If you own a winery like David Gianulias, you may need to name the wines you produce.  If you are struggling to come up with a name for your wine, consider the tips above and don’t be afraid to get creative.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

David Gianulias - Starting A Winery

If you enjoy wine and would like to make a living out of your passion, you may want to consider opening a winery. David Gianulias is the founder of the Levendi Winery and enjoys working with wine and the people who are passionate about it. Here are some tips for starting your own winery.

David Gianulias

The Right Location

Grapes won’t grow in some conditions so make sure you choose vineyard locations for your winery that will allow the grapes to grow healthy. Certain grapes grow better in certain climates so do you research and choose a location that is right for the type of grapes you plan to grow.

The Right Grapes

Certain grapes are used to make certain types of wine. Make sure you are familiar with the varietals and know what grapes you need to grow to make the wines you intend to make at your winery.

The Right Plan

Growing grapes and making wine may be your dream, but you have to have a business plan in order to make your winery a success and keep your business going. Make sure you have a strong business and marketing plan before you open your winery. Almost anyone with some financial support can create a winery to make wine, but selling your wines and to have customers purchase again and again is the key to it all.  Operating a winery can be a great way to make money if you have the patience for a minimum of 5 years and owning your own business can be very fulfilling. David Gianulias has found success as a winery owner and if you consider the above tips, you may too.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Critically Acclaimed Levendi Winery

Levendi Winery has ten generations and hundreds of years of knowledge and experience in wine-making. This history and ability are concentrated and funneled into a high-quality, unique and delicious wine. Levendi Winery was founded in 2001 by David Gianulias, alongside his father James Gianulias, and Todd Rustman, a close friend of the family.

David Gianulias

Right away, there was success when famed chef Wolfgang Puck obtained wine from them for not just his flagship restaurant Spago, but for all his restaurants and locations. Because the brand became popular with high class winos, Levendi Winery gained its own attention. Now, Levendi Winery wines are highly sought after and well-respected in the space of not so many years.

One of the reasons for the success of Levendi Winery can be attributed not only to the hundreds of years of the Gianulias Greek wine-making tradition, but to Allison Doran, the winemaker at Levendi. Formerly a student of the legendary Andre Tchelistcheff, the wines created by Doran and Levendi Winery are consistently receiving accolades and awards. Doran herself has over thirty years of high class wine-making experience.

Levendi is a Greek word, which loosely translated means “a toast to life.” Levendi Winery produces both a lovely Chardonnay and a great Cabernet Sauvignon.

Though Levendi Winery is a relatively small producer at this point in time, their wines are part of the Gold Medal Wine Club. With the current reviews and nothing below 90 and above marks for their wine portfolio, the future of Levendi Winery seems very bright indeed.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Skiing For Children

Skiing is a fun way to exercise and have fun at the same time. Many skiers become parents, and then want to pass on their love of the slopes to their little ones. David Gianulias, a very successful business man from Orange County California, learned to ski at the tender age of two, and has been hitting the slopes frequently ever since.

David Gianulias

There are a few things you need to consider before you get out on the slopes with your little ones. First, be sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Just because the temperature is mild when you head out doesn’t mean it can’t change into a blustery snow storm in just a few minutes. Make sure your child is wearing multiple layers, with insulating under layers and a waterproof outer layer.

Of course, make sure that your child is wearing a ski helmet. This is a vital part of skiing, making sure that your child is safe while they go through the learning process. Also make sure they have properly fitting boots, skis and binders. If any of these things do not fit, it can make learning to ski difficult or even impossible. Do not give your child poles right away, as it can inhibit their ability to learn how to turn properly.

Make skiing fun for your child! Don’t let them think of it as a chore. Let them see your enthusiasm for the sport and be positive and encouraging. Skiing can be difficult for little one, but if you make it fun and reward them with praise and positive reinforcement, they may just pick it up in no time.

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Fallen Officers

Every day, police officers in various capacities put their lives on the line in order to serve and protect their fellow Americans. The law is upheld by these brave men and women who do a job few could do, by staring danger in the face and deciding it’s worth it, for the greater good.

David Gianulias

Sometimes, these honorable officers lose their lives in the line of duty. When that happens, families are left behind with immeasurable grief and financial burden. David Gianulias, CEO and President of G Companies, as well as Founder and President of Levendi Winery, understands the need for a safety net for families of fallen officers.

That’s why Gianulias supports the CHP 11-99 Foundation. The CHP (California Highway Patrol) 11-99 Foundation is an organization that give emergency benefits for the families of wounded or fallen officers. 11-99 is the code given for “Officer in need of assistance,” and it exemplifies what CHP 11-99 is all about.

Through memberships, various community events and kindhearted individuals and businesses, CHP 11-99 has been able to give support to the families of officers who have been injured or killed in the line of duty, like the family of Officer Kenyon M. Youngstrom who was shot to death during a traffic stop. He was survived by his wife and four children who were able to receive help from CHP 11-99 in honor of their father.

These brave men and women do their job to keep the peace and protect the people. By donating to CHP 11-99 or similar foundations in your area, you give a small portion back to the families of those officers who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

What Makes a Successful Winery

The idea of owning your own winery is extremely appealing to many. Living in the house on the land, watching the grapes grown and then drinking your own vintage would surely not be that difficult. In reality, starting, growing, and maintaining a successful winery is a challenging, expensive prospect.

If you buy a winery that is already growing grapes and producing wine, you have saved yourself a tremendous amount of work, but it may lack the personal touch you want. If you want to start from scratch to make a wine with your unique fingerprint on it, you have a long road ahead of you.

David Gianulias

First you need to buy some land, which in certain parts of California’s wine country can go for up to $300,000 per acre. Once you own the land, it needs to be cleared and then planted. Once you’ve planted, it can take up to two or three years before you see enough fruit to begin the wine making process. Once you’ve begun the process, it can take a few years before you have anything old enough to sell.

David Gianulias knew these challenges when he decided to found Levendi Winery. His patience and dedication has since paid off. Levendi wine has become a must have in California and all over the nation. Acclaimed Chef Wolfgang Puck collaborated with Gianulias to provide Levendi wine to not only his flagship restaurant, but all his restaurants. Levendi wines have become a darling of Napa Valley, and have won several awards.

If you have the time, money, and expertise, you can create a successful winery if you treat your challenges like David Gianulias did; with enthusiasm and tenacity.

Monday, 14 September 2015

History of Winemaking in California

Wine in California is produced in an area almost three-fourths the size of France. Almost 90% of wine produced in the United States comes from California. Wine production in California is one-third larger than the wine produced in Australia, and if California were to be a separate country, it would be the fourth largest wine producer in the world.
David Gianulias
David Gianulias

The history of winemaking in California date back to the 18th century. Spanish missionaries in California planted vineyards to produce wine for mass. The Spanish missionaries planted vineyards in every mission they established in the state. They used wine for religious purposes as well as for daily life. They use vine cuttings from Mexico, popularly known as the “common black grape” that was introduced by Hernan Cortes to the New World in 1520. Since this grape was used by the church to make wine, it was called “Mission grape”. Common black grape or mission grape became the dominant variety of grape for winemaking in
California until the advent of the 20th century.

Today winemaking is huge in California with over 1,200 wineries in the state. California has several small boutique wineries and large corporations like E&J Gallo Winery, who export their wine around the globe. The state of California is geologically diverse, and most of the wineries are located between the Central Valley and the Pacific coast. The San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean provide cool winds and fog that help balance the hot climate making the area suitable for growing grapes. The state has over 427,000 acres that are used for vineyards. Napa Valley, Rutherford, Russian River Valley, and Sonoma Valley are some of the areas known for their wine production.

David Gianulias is the founder of Levendi Winery. The wines produced by Levendi Winery have received 94, 93 and 92 ratings.

Sunday, 6 September 2015

Three Health Benefits of Playing Tennis

While many people watch the Wimbledon series every year, not as many play tennis. But tennis is one of the sports that has amazing health benefits. Here are three health benefits that come with playing tennis.

David Gianulias
David Gianulias

Helps you Run Faster

Tennis is a game that involves quick-fire changes as you run across the court to return serves. According to research, running around the court to hit the ball requires 300-500 bursts of energy per match. If you try to calculate that in terms of distance, then you will be running the equivalent of three to five miles per match. Running is good for the heart as it helps build up your cardiovascular system.

Lower the Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes

Because you are constantly running from side to side to return volleys and intercept serves, you are building up your cardiovascular system that helps keep your heart and lungs healthy. Playing tennis also reduces the risk of diabetes, because it helps you to lose weight. Being obese poses a risk of contracting diabetes, and playing tennis helps lose weight and stay fit.

Beneficial to the Brain

To play tennis, you have to stay alert at all times. You have to be focused, make split-second decisions, and devise a strategy. For every ball that comes to your side of the court, you have to make the decision whether to go for it or leave it. The built-in break after each point helps players come up with a strategy based on what you think the other person’s next move could be.

David Gianulias is the Vice President and Co-Founder of Innovative Spirits and enjoys playing tennis.

Sunday, 30 August 2015

How to Choose Your Home Builder

There are several reputable home builders who have built up a record of excellence through their work. When you are considering choosing a home builder, there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind. 

David Gianulias
David Gianulias

Describe Your Needs

Any home builder can give you an idea of how a home should built, but it is your duty to specify what you need. Some builders work with only a specific type of home while others may construct a wide range of homes. Based on your budget, and your specific needs, you will have to choose your home builder. 

Choose an Experienced Builder

While you will be paying more for an experienced builder, it is a wise choice when it comes to choosing your home builder. Every home builder at one point in time built their first home, but experience counts and it a crucial factor in choosing your home builder. However, that does not mean that new home building firms are no good. Check with the builder and see what work they have completed in the past before you choose them to build your home. You might also want to check with their previous customers on the quality of work done in their homes. Most builders will have referrals, check with your builder for references and referrals. 

License and Insurance

Not every state requires home builders to have insurance and licenses. But it is recommended to go with a home builder who is licensed. 

David Gianulias is a well-known real estate developer and promoter.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Tips Every Mountain Biker Should Know

If extreme sports drive you, then mountain biking should be one of the sports activities to include in your list of sports. Mountain biking requires skill and lots of practice. Here are a couple of tips every mountain biker should know.
David Gianulias
David Gianulias
Using Both Brakes

The two brakes on your mountain bike are there because they are meant to be used. The mistake many bikers make is that they use the brakes like switches. The brakes should be used like dimmers, feather them instead of slamming on them. Feathering the brakes will give you better control over your speed when you are on a descent, and also help you stop efficiently when you need to stop.

Your Bike is Important

When mountain biking, you should choose the right bike. Don’t just take any bike and head off on a trail. Instead go to a specialty bike store and choose a bike that is right for you. It should fit your style and the terrain where you plan to ride. You might want to ask the store attendant for recommendations.

Progress Step by Step

Confidence breeds success and success breeds confidence. It’s ok to be tempted to take a huge leap in one day, but be wise and resist temptation, it will help you become a better mountain biker. Take small steps and build on it until you are confident of your moves. Doing this will also help keep you safe from being injured by recklessly taking huge risks without mastering your move.

David Gianulias is the founder and co-founder of several companies. During his free time, he enjoys mountain biking.