Thursday, 1 October 2015

Skiing For Children

Skiing is a fun way to exercise and have fun at the same time. Many skiers become parents, and then want to pass on their love of the slopes to their little ones. David Gianulias, a very successful business man from Orange County California, learned to ski at the tender age of two, and has been hitting the slopes frequently ever since.

David Gianulias

There are a few things you need to consider before you get out on the slopes with your little ones. First, be sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. Just because the temperature is mild when you head out doesn’t mean it can’t change into a blustery snow storm in just a few minutes. Make sure your child is wearing multiple layers, with insulating under layers and a waterproof outer layer.

Of course, make sure that your child is wearing a ski helmet. This is a vital part of skiing, making sure that your child is safe while they go through the learning process. Also make sure they have properly fitting boots, skis and binders. If any of these things do not fit, it can make learning to ski difficult or even impossible. Do not give your child poles right away, as it can inhibit their ability to learn how to turn properly.

Make skiing fun for your child! Don’t let them think of it as a chore. Let them see your enthusiasm for the sport and be positive and encouraging. Skiing can be difficult for little one, but if you make it fun and reward them with praise and positive reinforcement, they may just pick it up in no time.